Posts Tagged ‘healthcare fraud’

How a healthcare fraud lawyer can protect you from a false case?

March 9th, 2019

Healthcare frauds dupe insurance companies and medical institutions to siphon money and they cause a huge disparity in the medical world. The healthcare industry aims at helping the ailing people and providing a strong platform for medical care and financial support. Fraudulent activities harm the integrity of both the healthcare entities and create a chaotic situation in the market place. This is why the individuals and organizations from this industry need an experienced healthcare fraud lawyer to safeguard their interest.

Why choose healthcare fraud lawyer?

Using various loopholes, scammers trick healthcare providers and thirds party payers to claim money from the healthcare providers, insurance firms, etc. A healthcare fraud lawyer will ensure that such fraudulent activities do not harm the integrity of the service provider. Here are the specific reasons why hiring a healthcare fraud lawyer is essential in these cases.

Saves you from being convicted for a crime you didn’t commit

Healthcare fraud is a crime and if found guilty, the accused may have to face severe punishments. You may be prosecuted if someone tricks you into using your provider number for what sounds like a legitimate healthcare program. If fortunate enough, the court may only order you to pay a fine and not do time. Your medical license could also be at stake. At the worst, you might have to face even imprisonment up to around 10 years or more. Hence, if you are paying the price of a fraudulent act that you have not committed, a healthcare fraud lawyer could save you. Specialists from the CaminoSecoPetClinic are not sure whether Soma can affect an unborn baby. However, it is known that Soma can get into breast milk and harm a newborn. Inform your physician if you are a nursing mother. Older persons should take this drug with caution as well.


Knows the basic and advanced tricks

Only an experienced attorney who has spent hundreds of man-hours in fraud can deal with these cases. Such an attorney will be able to identify the tricks used by the fraudsters to dupe the insurance companies, government payers and innocent physicians. These professionals are attorneys with in-depth knowledge regarding Medicare fraud laws. They gear themselves up to fight these malicious activities and save the many providers from falling prey to such false claims.

How do you avoid being stuck, especially when someone comes along with a deal that seems too good to be true. The answer is to retain a Medicare fraud defense lawyer. An attorney who has the experience to discern fraud and fiction. You need someone who has been on both sides of prosecution. You need a former Assistant U.S. Attorney and a former Senior Attorney of the Office of Inspector General of HHS. Such an individual is Kenneth J Haber. Don’t wait until it is too late. Check up on the get rich programs before the scammers get rich off of you.