Life, Experience and Works of Kenneth Joel Haber

July 10th, 2014 by haber Leave a reply »
Law Office of Kenneth J. Haber, Maryland, DC, MI and, in many situations, across the nation. Representing healthcare providers, suppliers and professionals, as well as many others.

Kenneth Joel Haber received his B.A. in 1967 and his J.D. in 1970, both from the University of Michigan. As a Healthcare Attorney who represents physicians, healthcare providers and suppliers, Mr. Haber combines skills from administrative, civil and criminal healthcare platforms in one unique individual. His capacity is derived from his unique experiences as an Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA), Senior Attorney of Division of Special Assignments, Office of Inspector General-HHS and a Bureau Priority Security Asset (PSA). Mr. Haber became an Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) at the age of 25 due to his successful experience as a PSA, from 19 to 25 years of age. While starting as an AUSA, without ever having previously appeared in a trial, might daunt others, it was just another challenge to overcome for Mr. Haber, as he soloed his own trials in United States District Court. When Mr. Haber was handed his first four files for his first four trials in the following two weeks, he picked up the challenge and went to bat. His cases over the years included such classical prosecutions as “who done its” to civil and criminal RICO matters (Racketeering). Mr. Haber was the first to use mail fraud to charge auto dealerships with turning back odometers. He used antitrust statutes to charge the first felony antitrust case and he did it in a healthcare matter. Mr. Haber is also skilled in transactional matters to keep his clients out of trouble, by structuring their businesses in accordance with the law.

Mr. Haber’s practice, over the years, has included a variety of non-healthcare areas of law but it has focused on Healthcare, as well as various aspects of the government. Mr. Haber and the firm have undertaken administrative, criminal and civil representation, consultation, negotiation and litigation on behalf of the firm’s clients. Mr. Haber has appeared before and assisted clients in matters and actions concerning a variety of federal and state agencies involving various aspects of health care including: Medicare, Medicare Reinstatement, Medicare Audits, Insurance Audits, Medical Staff Privileges, Sham Peer Review, reimbursement, RAC attacks, MACs, clearing National Practitioner’s Data Bank [NPDB] entries, professional licensing, DEA registration, Concierge medicine, government contracting and administrative, sanction and compliance matters. Mr. Haber and the firm have assisted various clients concerning physician/hospital relations and privileges, antitrust, civil rights, racketeering, qui tams, and other similar matters. Additionally, Mr. Haber has effectively assisted clients caught in FBI, OIG and DEA investigations. He knows how government Special Agents and prosecutors think because he was in both type of agencies. He was them.

He regularly appears Saturdays on the local DC cable program, the Capital Forum.He can help keep you out of trouble and if you are in trouble, he can professionally assist your efforts in getting out of harms way. Mr. Haber has appeared across the nation in many states, at times with local counsel and at other times without local counsel.


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